With the Solver Add-on you can define and solve many types of optimization problems in Google Sheets.   

You can use the Solver Add-on to find better ways to allocate scarce resources, maximize profits or minimize costs or risks, in a wide range of applications in finance and investment, marketing, manufacturing and production, distribution and logistics, purchasing, and human resources, as well as science and engineering. To see examples, visit www.solver.com. Many textbooks also include examples and discussions of Solver models -- some are listed on www.solver.com.

All the solving methods and options available in the Excel Solver can be used:

  • Simplex LP Solver
  • LSGRG Nonlinear Solver
  • Evolutionary Solver
  • Integer and binary constraints

You can solve linear programming and mixed-integer programming problems with the Simplex LP Solver, nonlinear optimization problems with the LS Nonlinear Solver, global optimization problems with the multistart method, and ‘arbitrary’ Sheets models containing any numeric formulas with the Evolutionary Solver.